Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jude's Birth Story - Part 1 - Labor

Holy cow... labor was a piece of cake. I didn't sleep well Sunday night. I've always been the type that is too anxious to sleep if I have something planned big for the day ahead. We got to the hospital at 6 a.m. The nurses welcomed me and got me all set up. I got my IV and was started on my penicillin since I was GBS+. The nurse checked me at about 7 am. I was 1 cm and 80% effaced but my cervix was still very high. I was apparently already contracting every 4 mins but I had no idea.

Dr. Nwadike gave me one dose if cytotec at 8 a.m. This would help my cervix come down, start contractions and help dialate. At noon, the doc inserted another pill. Contractions started getting ever so slightly painful 2 hrs later. At 3:18 I was checked again. 3 cm and 80%. She decided to break my water. As she was checking me I felt like I peed and she said my water ruptured already. She did it again anyway. After that, it slowly came out. Definitely fely pretty gross.

They put an internal monitor in because contractions weren't showing up. Apparently I was contracting a lot! She started pitocin and said the anesthesiologist would be leaving soon for the day so if I wanted one i might get it now before the pain got unbearable and she said it would start fast.

Contractions were just a bit more painful when I got my epi. Epi didn't hurt at all!!! That's what I was most scared of. When I sat up to get it a lot more water came out.

Checked again at 4 pm (an hour after the last time) after the epi and I was a 4! Jimmy and I just relaxed and played on the internet and watched t.v. Just enjoyed our last hours as a childless couple while dreaming of our babe. Holly, Mom, Dad, Katie and Michelle came to visit at various times in the day and everyone else called or texted to check up on me.

I was checked again at 6 and I was 6 cm. Checked again at 8 and I was still a 6. I was a little upset about that because the normal rate of progression is a cm an hour. But after a pep talk from Katie, I was happy again. I was just nervous that they'd rush me into a c-section for failure to progress.

At 10 p.m, I was 8 cm and Jimmy and I decided to take a little nap. We knew that we'd need our rest very soon.

The nurse came in at midnight and I was fully dialated and effaced. She said she was going to let me labor down for 30 mins and then we'd start pushing!

Not even 15 mins later, she walked in and said let's get started! Nerves definitely set in....

::Next up...Delivery::

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