Friday, December 18, 2009

40 Week Update

*How far along?: 40 weeks
*How big is baby?: 19-22 inches, 6-9 pounds
*Sleep?: Absolutely horrible
*Stretchmarks?: Absolutely horrible
*Movement?: Only good thing about my week =)
*Food cravings?: None
*Labor signs?: 12/12; 1-2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, -1 to 0 pelvic station. 12/16; no change
*Belly button in or out?: In- doubt it'll ever pop out.
*What I miss: Thinking about something other than when will this baby come out!
*What I'm looking forward to: What do you think??
*Milestone: Stick a fork in me - I'm done!

How Big Is Jude This Week?

It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

How Big Is Mommy This Week?

This has been a very emotional week for me. First, my little sister gave birth to my new GORGEOUS nephew Caleb on 12/11. He has now spent the whole first week of his life in a hospital. He had TTN which apparently led to pneumonia. I'm not even sure if I got that right. But he was intubated for his first 4 days and is still using a nasal canula. He is doing much much better now though and everyone is hoping to see him home by Monday. I'll just end this with a picture because too much detail about his situation really shakes me up...

And, I know it seems so trivial after all of that but I am soo done being pregnant. I seriously never thought I'd go this far. Everyone thought I'd have Jude early. But, here I sit, on my due date, with no baby in my arms. I'm so fortunate that he's still doing great in my belly, but he's wayy too comfy in there =) This has seriously felt like the longest week of my life. I'm soo drained from trying every Old Wives Tale in the book that I'm going to be too tired to birth him once he is ready to come out. And I'm so tired of everyone asking how I am and when he's coming. I feel like my body isn't doing what it's supposed to and I'm disappointing myself, and Jude and Jimmy and the rest of the family. And, now that I'm officially moving into overdue territory, I have to constantly worry if he's ok in there still. How am I supposed to know that he has enough fluid or that his placenta is still working ok? I just want him out and safe in my arms.

Hopefully....this is my last pregnant post.


Mommy2Bagain said...

I know how you feel. These last few days are so hard but I must say you are doing great! Just keep relaxing and eating yummy foods and soon you'll be wishing he was still IN your tummy. Haha.:-) that boy is gonna get a pinch on each one of his chunky cheeks from his aunt Katie for making you wait so long! I love you girl.

Ps- btw I liked your blog post.

Anonymous said...

First visit to your blog (saw you on twitter, I follow EMily D's blog) just wanted to say, hope he comes soon and good luck! Also, loving the 'Friends' reference... as vegetarians would say 'Eat me, I'm done.' :P