Friday, December 4, 2009

I agree wholeheartedly...

Week Thirty-Eight

pregnancy calendar

Your Baby:

  • Is officially a little chunkin, at well over six pounds and 19 1/2 inches long.

  • Is also officially considered "full term." In other words, he or she is STRAIGHT UP FREELOADING from here on out.

  • Is practicing making fists and fetal breathing in anticipation of life outside the womb.


  • Have probably had enough of this magical special time, thank you very much.
  • Backaches, joint aches, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, Braxton-Hicks contractions, painful kicks, bladder pressure, stretch marks, itchy skin, swollen ankles, fatigue, dry mouth, mood swings, did I miss anything else in this cavalcade of late-pregnancy hilarity?
  • Are alternating between crazy excitement about finally meeting your baby and crazy panic about oh my God, you're finally going to meet your baby and they're going to expect that you take it home and like, keep it alive and stuff.


Mommy2Bagain said...

Too cute!! I love it! I agree too.

I had ANother dream that you had Jude last night! I was a little jealous too cause he came before Caleb and he was soo stinkin' cute! I was afraid he'd be cuter than Caleb. Hehe:-)

Cole said...

Let's just say you don't have to be prego to feel like that....however I'm sure the feeling is more intense!