Thursday, July 26, 2012

9 weeks and first "belly" pic

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +3 lbs and it feels like 20=)
Sleep: Loving nap time but bedtime is iffy because of the vivid dreams/ nightmares
Movement: Nope - maybe flurries coming soon - hopefully
Symptoms: Sore bbs
Food cravings: Pizza sandwiches=)
Food aversions: Still have to really think about something good to eat - nothing sounds good
Gender: 7 more weeks until we find out!

What I am looking forward to:  First doctors appt/ ultrasound on Wednesday!
Milestone: Baby has eyelids and teeth are forming's my first belly/ bloat/ previous fat pic=)  I'm going to try to take a picture every week with my chalboard tracker and always wearing a black tanktop.  Baby is about an inch long and 0.07 oz.


Mommy2Bagain said...

So exciting! I love the chalkboard idea. I can't believe the baby is an inch long already. That's crazy.

Care said...

aw so exciting, you look great!