Sunday, July 5, 2009

Catching Up... 15 and 16 week updates

I've been super lazy...

15 week survey

*How far along?: 15 weeks
*How big is baby?: 4 - 5 inches, 3 - 5 ounces
*Maternity clothes?: Pants please...
*Sleep?: Loving it
*Best moment this week?: Buying my own doppler for home
*Movement?: I think I felt my first little flutters this week at exactly 15 weeks - "I think" are the key words - could've been gas
*Food cravings?: Candy
*Labor signs?: Nope
*Belly button in or out?: Still very much in
*What I miss: Nothing. I'm loving pregnancy
*What I'm looking forward to: Gender ultrasound - July 11th
*Milestone: Baby can suck his thumb this week =)

How Big Is Baby This Week?

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

How Big Am I This Week?

Not much to say this week. Many exciting weeks coming up but this week has been pretty boring. On to week 16...

16 week survey

*How far along?: 16 weeks
*How big is baby?: 5 inches, 5 ounces
*Maternity clothes?: Bought more this week and I LOVE them. Secret Belly brand from Motherhood are amazing.
*Sleep?: Just peeing about 2 times a night now
*Best moment this week?: Not baby related but sailing was really fun yesterday - throwing up and migrane afterwards was not so fun though.
*Movement?: Nope - can't wait till my first kick
*Food cravings?: Peaches!
*Labor signs?: Let's keep it that way for at least 21 more weeks
*Belly button in or out?: Deeeeep Innie
*What I miss: Being thinner
*What I'm looking forward to: I am in constant countdown mode to finding out what we're having on the 11th. Only 6 more days. It's all I think about.
*Milestone: I think it is amazing that it took 14 weeks for baby to reach 1 ounce. And just from week 15 to 16 it gained a full ounce. Baby is growing fast!

How Big Is Baby This Week?

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

How Big Am I This Week?

(The above is actually 16 weeks 3 days) I feel a lot bigger this week but still look like I ate too many cupcakes =) Haven't "popped" yet. Jimmy and I went to Borders and bought a nursery rhyme collection to read to baby every night since he can hear us now. I think that is sooo amazing. It's getting more and more real every week. Friday was the first day that it became really real. I know I write about how big baby is each week and I have heard it's heartbeat countless times but Friday I really realized, there's a BABY in me. When we got our first ultrasound, it didn't look much like a baby. So that's what I pictured in me, or whatever fruit it was compared to that week, or silly as it is, I just pictured a heart in there since I listen to it's heartbeat each day. But as I was at the gym Friday (yeah for me - went back to the gym this week and I went 3 times!!!) I was thinking that people were thinking I was a slacker or lazy fat girl for not running with them in some of the drills. This was more so because of my bum ankle though. But I imagined telling that I'm pregnant. And then imagined them thinking there was a baby growing in me. And then I thought "there's a baby in me"! I know that all sounds really crazy but I never think of it like that. When anyone is pregnant, it is so hard to grasp that there is a child in their stomach. It's like I put pregnancy and having a child in two separate boxes. When you're pregnant, you're just pregnant. And when you have your child, you just go to the hospital and get it. Haha - so wierd I know. But Friday, I was just thinking of my little 4.6 inch baby jumping around and exercising with me in my lower belly. Such a strange moment.

Ok... I'll stop making a complete fool out of myself.

Ta-ta for now...

1 comment:

Ralph Johnson Jr. said...

You have a sonogram thing of your own? So you can hear the baby's heartbeat whenever? Thats so cool!