Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So weird to say it but that's how I'm feeling. I imagined that I'd be out of my mind crazy at this point. Only 6 days until I see my baby. 6 days until our first appointment. 6 days until I can feel like I'm justified to feel pregnant. 6 days until some kind of confirmation. I don't even dare to talk about the other side. I try my hardest not to think about it. I'm going to embrace being calm. Everyone knows that I'm a researcher, and that I love to read pregnancy blogs and message boards. But I'm skipping right over the bad things. Reading only the positive. I've learned enough about the bad things that can happen. I know so much more now, in the few weeks I've been pregnant, than I care to know. And that's where it stops. I'm done worrying until I have reason to worry. It's not fair to my baby, to me, or to anyone around me (especially to Jimmy - who HATES when I worry or obsess). So, on Monday the 11th, we will get our first glance at our baby. They will do an internal ultrasound and we will be able to see the heartbeat. It's too early to hear it.

Jimmy and I are anxiously awaiting word from his interview he went on Thursday. When he gets the go-ahead (he already has the job, it's just a matter of hearing the official word), he's going to put his 2-weeks in at work. He is NOT looking forward to that. He really enjoys where he works now. He is his own boss and never is given any trouble. He pretty much comes and goes when he wants and the one person that he reports to is super laid back. He's leaving for the new place solely because he will be getting a 4 day work week. We are beyond excited about that. I think that an extra day off during the week will be just what he needs. He'll have more time to himself, or with me or with baby when it's here. There are a few other perks (a little more money, he'll be the assistant chief engineer at a 5 star, brand new hotel *that'll look great on a resume*, and he'll be back working with some old co-workers that he got along with very well *also a plus because while he loved having no boss working with him, it'll be nice to have some human contact at work - he is literally alone all day now*). But as soon as his last 2 weeks are over - he's taking 2 weeks off!!! I'm beyond excited. We've never had that much time off together ever! We're going to take at least a week to go on a baby-moon, maybe to Florida or Myrtle Beach and then relax and unwind at home for the rest of the time. If all goes as planned - we'll be laying in the sand by the end of the month!

That's all for now - I'll update on Friday with my 8 week pic and then on Monday with pictures of our baby!


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