Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My very first entry =)

Hello! Anyone reading this probably already knows me but I'll fill any others in. My name is Lacy. I am 23 years old. I got married 4.5 years ago, November 19th, 2004, to the love of my life, Jimmy. I am currently a domestic goddess ( *smile) after being laid off at a local bank. I've worked since I was 16 so I am loving every minute of it.

I've been dreaming of having a baby since I was a baby myself. Jimmy and I decided to wait 5-7 years before trying though. I have 2 nephews that are both 2 years old so I've really enjoyed the practice they've given me. Just 3 weeks ago, we decided it was time! I left the final decidion up to Jimmy because I've been thinking I was ready for the past year. He called me on the phone on my way home and said he'd like to TTC and I haven't been able to wipe the smile off of my face since then.

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